Admission guide

Type of membership
  • Types of Membership of LEMA are as follows. (Full Member becomes a juridical member of LEMA pursuant to the applicable Code of Japan.)
  • The corporation, engaging the business to manufacture land engines or the related business, is to be Full Member
  • The corporation, which doesn't fall into the definition of Full Member and which supports and corporates the business of LEMA, is to be Associate Member
Privilege of a member
  • To participate the technical forum and sessions sponsored by LEMA
  • To Submit the request and proposal to the related authority by the name of LEMA through each Committee of LEMA
  • To receive tender and consultation regarding to land engine, such as the tendency of the governmental policy, the market and technical information and the information on regulation and rule-making.
  • Bulletin of LEMA (quarterly)
  • Information from Government office; (at any time)
  • Report on the study and research carried out by each Committee of LEMA; (at any time)LEMA
Related association LEMA is exchanging the information with the related association and utilizing those for the daily activity.
International activity

LEMA exchanges the information with EMA (Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association) in the US and Euromot (The European Association of Association of Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturers) in European Union regularly and collects the information and the latest trend on the market in the United States and Europe and corporate on the various study on the exhaust emission regulation.

Since 1998, LEMA is communicating with CICEIA (China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association) in China including the periodical personal exchanges, and collecting and exchanging the information, such as the market information.

For further detail for admission, please contact LEMA by fax at +81 3 3260 7965.