
Name Japan Land Engine Manufacturers Association, (LEMA)
Address 2-37, Ichigaya-tamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0843 Japan
FAX +81 3 3260 7965
Founded May 1, 1948
Objective LEMA has been instrumental in promoting the sound development of the land engine industry in Japan. As the engine industry expands, LEMA plans to ensure further smooth development for its members and all the other related industries that employ land engines in their business. LEMA's various committees are constantly reviewing and evaluating the activity of this industry.
  • Investigation on the situation of production, trade, distribution and market
  • Support and manage research and development on technical issues
  • Engagement in development and popularization of industrial standards
  • Compiling and supplying information concerning land engines
  • Corporation with related associations
  • Other issue to execute the objectives of LEMA
Board member President, Vice-president, Managing Director, Executive Directors, Director, Auditor
Members of Executive Board
President Tomohisa Tao
Members 44 Full members, 16 Associate members, 2 Association members
List of LEMA's Members
Committees Steering Committee, Public Relations Committee, Statistics and Trade Committee,Components Committee, Medium & Large Engine Technical Committee, Small Diesel Engine Technical Committee, Gasoline Engine Technical Committee, Gas Engine Technical Committee.


"Land Engine Manufacturers Association" (LEMA) was founded in 1948 as a membership association, which has been formed of engine manufacturers as well as engine component manufacturers. Its principal function is to enhance the technology in design and production of engines.
By recognizing the vigorous outcomes of LEMA since its foundation on the developments of the internal combustion engine industry other than for onroad and locomotives, LEMA has been granted to be an Incorporated Association by the authorization of the Minister of International Trade and Industry on November 1965.
Since then the opportunity of LEMA to represent Japanese engine industries has been gradually increased, because the activity of LEMA members has not been limited in Japanese domestic market but expanded into the whole world, especially in the US, Europe and Asian countries.
Therefore, LEMA altered its name from "Land Engine Manufacturer Association" to "Japan Land Engine Manufacturers Association" in February 1999 and this alteration has been also authorized by the competent minister.
On April 2012, the registration of LEMA as a General Incorporated Association has been made, which was based on the recent amendment of the legal system on this issue.